Stress Fracture Treatment

Stress Fracture

Spondylolysis, commonly known as a stress fracture in the lower back, is a prevalent overuse injury, particularly among growing adolescents engaged in sports. Cricket fast bowlers, in particular, are susceptible, with reported prevalence as high as 55% in some teams. 

The condition often affects the bottom lumbar vertebra, L5, where the mobile lumbar spine meets the fixed pelvis, due to the significant stress during sports activities. The Pars area in the bony ring of the lumbar vertebra is a common weak spot, prone to microscopic cracks caused by repeated loading stress, leading to Spondylolysis. 

Symptoms include lower back pain exacerbated by activities and relieved by rest, especially when bending backward or standing on one leg. Diagnosis typically involves a scan to confirm suspicions. Prevention strategies in chiropractic care focus on practicing sports on grass, limiting competitive games and gradually increasing practice intensity. Monitoring posture, avoiding prolonged poor postures, and incorporating Core Stability exercises contribute to long-term spinal stability and prevent back issues. Using tools like the Stabiliser Pressure Biofeedback Device aids in specific muscle contraction for enhanced stability and reduced facet joint problems.