Post Surgical Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation

Post Surgical Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation

The success of your surgery extends beyond the operating theatre, as emphasized by the famous quote: "The only place 'success' comes before 'work' is in the dictionary" by Vidal Sassoon. 

While your surgeon skillfully initiates the path to your successful outcome through a surgical procedure, your active participation is crucial. In the hospital, you'll be introduced to simple exercises aimed at minimizing complications like chest infections or DVTs. Early strengthening or range of motion exercises might also be prescribed. After discharge, ongoing assessment and progress checks will be necessary. 

Following orthopedic surgery, achieving full strength, flexibility, and function will likely require exercise progression. For a swift and secure return to your daily activities, consulting with a physiotherapist experienced in post-operative rehabilitation is the most efficient approach. 

At California Chiropractic and Sports Medicine Center, we'll happily assist you in your post-operative care. We are familiar with the treatment protocols prescribed by most Orthopapedic Surgeons. We'll happily liaise with your surgeon to determine any specific requirements based on your individual surgery.