Children and Chiropractic Care in Dubai

Children and Chiropractic Care in Dubai

Parents who already see chiropractors often bring their children for spinal check-ups, mirroring the routine dental check-ups for kids. A common question is, "Why would my child need a chiropractor?" The answer lies in the daily traumas of a child's life, which can cause minor spinal issues known as subluxations. A young spine typically develops well by the end of pregnancy, but factors around birth, such as the baby's position in the womb or trauma during labor, can misalign spinal segments. 

Infants may also experience spinal problems from frequent falls in their early months. Falls from beds, sudden stops in cars, or unsupported head and neck movements can lead to excessive spine movement and vertebral subluxations. Learning to walk introduces another set of challenges, with falls impacting lower spinal segments and the pelvis's sacroiliac joints. Even seemingly harmless events, like children learning to walk and occasionally hitting their heads, can create spinal subluxations. Medical research highlights the potential impact of birth trauma and early-life incidents on a child's well-being. 

Services & Treatments

Dr. Emily Johnson

Chiropractor Doctor of CAM

Dr. Emily holds a Doctor of Chiropractic degree from National University of Health Sciences in Illinois, USA.
Doctor Chares Jones

Dr Charles W Jones, DC, CCSM

Chiropractor Doctor of CAM

Charles W Jones is a 1989 graduate of Southern California University of Health Science.